Wednesday, June 13, 2007

13th June 2007

Where millions are suffering, we refuse to listen. Where the multitudes are starving, we don't bother. Is there even a standard of right and wrong? Or is it that whatever you believe is right is right? Does different people having their own views means that the absolute truth of right and wrong is not present? But as to this, we can never be absolutely sure! Unless you are absolutely sure that there are no absolutes. But absolutes aside, I just think that humanity has lost the once pure sense of right and wrong. Gay, sexual immorality, has been legalized in some states, leading countries that have yet to lift the ban to slowly get grasped by immorality. We find fault in others, never from ourselves. We feel no pain upon knowing that 400 natural disasters occur every year, and that 1.8 people die every passing second, majority of them could be prevented.

And yet, none of us, with our hand phones, computers, textbooks, wads of cash notes, realize the suffering revolving the 80/20 window. 20% of the world gets 80% of the food. The 80%? In terms of mathematical statistics, they get 1/16 as much food as we get. Geocentrically speaking, they eat once every 16 days; twice a month. They suffer, war-torn; every day an instinctive quest for survival, living without hope. They are also humans, on their state only because of where they were born. Many Singaporeans, me once included, think of them as pathetic, lower grade outcasts. We forget that we are better off than them not because we did anything, but because we were born differently. Still, we act as though we deserved what we have, almost none of us bothering to reach out their hand to help their fellow brethren.

I say, is there some sort of standard that each of us can do? At the first place, why do all things happen? Why do we even live? My understanding of this is quite limited, saying from a Singaporean youth's perspective. But all things in life happen with a purpose! Have you ever thought about some great being up there, where, you don't know, but you can feel it, is overseeing all these things? Could it be time? Space? Dimension? Nature? Destiny? Fate? God? Is there a God? Don't we come from somewhere? We couldn't be here forever, couldn't we? If there is no God, which is non-material, how can there be other non-material things like love, truth or feelings, which we know by faith they exist? Dear reader, what evidence are you looking for to prove the existence of God? None can be given, other than by having you experience God yourself, just as you have loved, hated, delighted and grieved! It is left to you to think about.

My only wish is that someday, I can do my part I can for these people, for it is my heart's desire. Though what I can do is way too small, I just pray that God will inspire many others like me to the the stand, and proceed to serve. If all of us just give a little of what we have to our fellow brethren, who now even envy the problems you go through, and dream of living in a "Singapore" we all continually complain of.

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