Wednesday, May 30, 2007

29th May 2007

When was the last time that you shared the gospel with someone, or heard it from someone else? Many times, God places the lives of individuals within our path, but what do we do? Do we save them from eternal damnation? Or leave them to wallow in their shadowy graves?

Strict as I may sound, I must frankly rebuke myself also. Even though it was my duty to fulfill the Great Commission, I have failed to do so many times, letting the opportunity slip away. But in Matthew 28:18-20, the Bible said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Mat 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Mat 28:20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

However, I warn that Satan is in work. He will distract us from whatever be holding us back now, anything, be it studying or even worldly goals. Anything would do! As long as you are not doing your part for the Great Commission, Satan will have achieved!

But even though I may lack the courage, the inspiration, and the motivation, I know that God has given me all authority, and He will provide all I require. So, I will do my part for God, that I will leave a wake of saved souls in my wake, and now, I pray that God will sanctify me and prepare me in this task. Dear friends, do you ever see images of your closest family and friends, yet to be saved, the snapshots of them being burnt by fire? Do join me as well as the millions of other Christians, because we know that our works will not be in vain. Certificates, diplomas, money and life are not forever. They are temporal. But not so for this! Even though we gain completely nothing here, and that the world is a very skeptic one, what greater joy can there be, when you are called on to the LORD in heaven, greet Him and praise Him, an individual comes towards you and thanks you for saving his soul... Praise God for such a wonderful gift!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

27th May

I really suck at singing. Pop singing, at least. Today's rehearsal with Doreen for our duet next Monday was kaput! I really let her down... My voice is nowhere compared to any other pop singer... But I rejoice knowing that the LORD is my strength! I offer my all to God, knowing it was him who bestowed me with all I have, including my life! Still, I pray that someone else will be able to do the same and find joy in doing so...

Today, I must pray for the team that's going to Cambodia for a mission trip this Thursday. Cambodia is a war-wrecked country, and many of the people there are scarred! Pol Pot, a dictator thirty years ago of Cambodia thought of making an ideal Cambodia, where all the citizens will farm the land and work loyally to the country, without questioning the leader. The result was that he ordered thousands of "smart people" executed, massacred and murdered, by the masses. Those who were Buddhist
monks, Western-educated intellectuals, educated people in general, people who had contact with Western countries, people who appeared to be intelligent (for example, individuals with glasses), the crippled and lame, and ethnic minorities like ethnic Chinese, Laotians and Vietnamese and unfit to live were to dig their own graves, then buried alive. The lucky ones were beaten to death, falling with their chains and shackles still on them to the muddy pits they freshly dug. Please read more about it on

Now, where we Singaporeans live in such luxury, there are people suffering out there, not only in Cambodia, but in many other parts. I respect the mission team for reaching to the Cambodians, helping them in whatever ways they could, and sharing the good news of the gospel and Jesus Christ, bringing hope and a purpose to live to a rogue and renegade people. That Paul, the leader, Serene, and her husband, a doctor who works in the prison, Cheryl, Ethel, Rachel, Esther, and the others, would give up their time and work, come out from their comfort zone to help strangers they do not even know, I really thank God for touching their hearts. I will try to aid them in prayer, for I know that going into missions is not an easy task. The recent I went to was in Medan, Indonesia, which was more like a walk in the park. However, I went through many difficulties. I shudder to think what they will face.

Currently, people are being sold, children, at the tender age of 14, are being forced in to prostitution, and in the lawless country, violence is common and aplenty. And, talking about 14, I know of someone very dear to me who is also 14. I think (but not necessarily correctly) that she would most probably shiver at the thought of going overseas to work as a maid, tremble at being sold to work, and before I can finish this sentence, faint at the thought of working as a prostitute... Me too, would definitely die of heart attack at the thought of living in a world of violence. But I cannot condemn the people of Cambodia; they lack hope, they have no vision of this world. Why labor and toil in the fields as a farmer, when prostitution and its trafficking earns you million times more! Did you know that afore mentioned children, both boys and girls are eager to grow up and work as prostitutes!? Their parents raised them up for this purpose, and the poor children conditioned to expect their life to be filled with sex slavery... What inhumanity!

That God would allow all these, I can never be able to understand, not my entire lifetime on earth. He is a worker of miracles, but how has this world been tainted by sin! These are the end times, my friend, and I pray that you will reconsider your religion before you fall prey to the devil! Hopefully, missions like those above will be able to save as many people from perishing in hell before the judgment day begins. And, may you be one of those saved, if you are yet to be, and if you are saved, may you work to save as many as possible, just as Jesus Christ redeemed us, by sacrificing not His time, but His life! Thanks be to God for His indispensable gift!

For if He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulder, I know my brother, that He will carry you!
if He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulder, I know my sister, that He will carry you!

26th May 2007

Ya, and today was the day that our practice paid out. So much for me to learn! Overall, it was a huge success. Ya, Doreen came too, as well as another one of my friend, Shi Yong. Though we faced many problems, such as the food being inadequate to satisfy the taste buds of many people, including my friends, the microphones busting out at the last and most crucial moment, me forgetting my lines, playing the wrong notes, etc... But at least the event touched the lives of many people, including myself. But oh vanity! How hard is it to touch those who have yet to understand! All I wish is that some day, they will...

We see the presence of God, as well as the workings of the Holy Spirit that day, which touched the lives and left an impact on them, especially on the elderly, many of whom their lives have changed more or less. How great is our God, unseen, yet as present as the air we breathe, but just as essential!

Jonathan is a very gifted actor... How easy does his emotions show, and how easy it overwhelms us! For one who knows him since childhood, I really still have got a lot to learn from him! I really respect his aspirations as well as his character. God has made every individual unique, but still knows them so well; even the exact amount of hair in our heads, he knows! And He loves us all, whether we choose to trust in him or not. Like reality, he exists, be it us acknowledging his existence, or to choose not to believe. He is God! The God of Abraham and Issac, of the Israelites, and of yesterday, now and forever! And He is my God! Our God! How great would it be if only the whole world could believe in something more than stone, wood, gold and carved images! Truly, the wisdom of man is but folly to God... Vanity of vanities yet again! That man would have turned from God, so many since birth! How I wish I could do my part to save as many people as possible... If only they could see the reason that I struggle and sacrifice so much of my time to tell them what appears to be a childish fairy tale to them... Oh, the irony!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

24th May 2007

I know that I've been falling in love since the day I met her, but I think that I'm falling deeper in love by the day!

Today I met Doreen under our block, where I were to give her some maths tuition. The night before, we had been exchanging very mushy messages, and so did we this afternoon. But when I felt the warmth of her embrace, I found my heart taken away by her. And the various kisses we shared together were magical. The gifts that she always gives me, sweet nothings, hugs, kisses, they are great. But the greatest gift of all that she has given me, if only I could say to her without blushing all red, is "the gift of knowing you."

Though, I must not forget my awesome God as well. That He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins, such love for us... The Bible even portrays our relationship to God as that similar to a true couple's. What a fool I am, yet again, to not realize the significance of this passage! Doreen, however, helped me realize it. If the love of an unmarried couple can be so amazing, lo, the love of us and God, would be indescribable! Many times, I would pray for my relationship with Doreen to flourish. And flourish it did, flourish beyond my wildest dreams! So much I have learnt! That in truth, the best gift of all I had was to know God, and how great it would be for me, when she finally shares in this gift! As I had asked God to have mercy on me, I bid God have the same mercy on her... So much more I have to learn, for compared to God, I am nothing. To the angels, I am but void. To the great men of faith, I am but vanity! But oh! What precious love of God divine! That saved a wretch like me. I am but young, and still have a long way to go, but how I wish that I could share my life, present and future, and eternity on heaven with her...

But what bids me do, I listen. Because the reason that I was with her was because of God... It all started from a badminton session which the church hosted... And it was God who touched me to tell her the good news, though I've fallen so deeply in love with her before I even started doing so... Ah, so many things to say... May I continue on another day... Till then God bless y'all, and wish that you all will accept the greatest gift of love soon; that of knowing a true God! How Great is our God, so beautiful beyond description! He is most worthy of our praise!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

23 May 2007

Yes, I know that my words are very pale. But so am I. If going down with a illness is not enough, my computer also got a virus today! Everything becomes so slow... Then suddenly cannot even start up lorhx, switch on only then will crash.


No larhx, just kidding. I used a command prompt which my bro taught me to use, and effectively removed the virus. Yarhx, I am now an outdated and semi-useless walking and talking anti-virus hardware! Which is why I can even write this post now, if not I would be banging my head on both wall and keyboard. Luckily so, because this is still e-learning week! Now, I still have 3 assignments to go.

Well, this has definitely been a hard week, not just for me, but for Doreen too! She's been complaining of dizziness, and has been showing signs of headaches! Poor thing, she's resting her fragile self now at home, while I'm writing this post. Hope she gets well soon.

But all these difficulties did serve as a lesson for me! It was only then that I remembered to humble myself yet again and seek God for help. I had been too busy doing this and that to remember to seek God for help. My illness had been bugging me for quite some time, and I kept allowing me to frustrate myself over it. I had also been struggling with my computer, trying in vain to fix the problem, and at the same time cursing the malicious source of the virus.

When I finally gave up, I surrendered to God in prayer and allowed him to work in me. No words can really describe what happened with enough detail to convince critics and the common skeptic, but all I can say is that I am now strong enough and able to log on to the internet to write this blog.

The power of prayer is a very potent tool. The Earth trembles and the Oceans roar at its power. Its power originates from God! However, it is very hard for man. even devoted Christians, to fully utilize its power, because of doubt, which is also good, because if every man on Earth were to hold the power of prayer in their hands, I shudder to think what would become of the universe now. So now, with what little faith I have, I am rid of my problems, and I have gained one more. My wish, other than to grow spiritually with my walk with God and to spread the good news of the Gospel to as many people as possible, is to teach Doreen to do the same, but timid as I am, I am afraid to do so. I pray for courage, and the right time to do so.

Prior to this, I've been going through this week alone, grumbling of overstuffed assignments and duties. But now, I have God by my side! Many times, we are too busy in our lives, and tend to forget the main issue in our lives. Too engrossed in money to care for family, too obsessed by lust to remember to trust, too embedded in power to cherish your hour. Would a crowd full of people be able to hear the cricket sounding in the bush? No, but a child can. But if someone were to drop coins on the floor, that same crowd would promptly turn over and look. Dear reader, what are you tuned to hear? Studies? Money? Power? If so, why not family? Care? Love? And most important of all, if one can grasp its significance, God? He has always been there, calling out to you, waiting for you to go to Him. What a wretched fool I was, basking in the dark for so long before going to Him! I bid you not do the same mistake, and use every moment to seek Him earnestly now! How great is our God! He is worthy of our praise! Selah!

Monday, May 21, 2007

21st May 2007

Argh. I woke up only to find myself afflicted with a staggering sore throat. It hurts every time I swallow, but itches more ever so often, forcing me to gag as a reflex action should I fail to swallow... A serious dilemma I'm in here.

Ya, I woke up today only to find that it was way past 7 am, which means that Doreen will be going to school unaccompanied. Sigh.

I managed to complete 2 of my 7 e-learning week projects, which is a good thing. Just 5 more to go. Drive on, baby!

Doreen had CME lesson today, and like I said earlier, at this point of time she will be learning about sexuality. According to her, today's lesson was on BGR, and happily enough, she was always pinpointed by her teacher, one Mr Tang, to answer questions regarding this issue. Apparently, her classmates knew about our relationship and happily chanted my name. Approximately the same time, around 12+, I sneezed. Thrice. Do I see a coincidence? Ya, one of the questions was that if her boyfriend were to suddenly ask her to have sex with her before marriage, what would she do. Her answer, to my dismay, was "I dunno". Ah well. Upon hearing this from her, I pressed on to let her reveal her stand. She said "No, because we are underage." Unsatisfied, I hypothesized that we were in legal age. After more inquisitions from me, and a slight hesitation later, she blurted out a huge "No, because we are not married!" Now, that was the answer I was looking for. Even though she admitted that looking at my behavior, I was not one to do such a thing, and of that I agree, I fear that my thoughts may waver. My greatest concern is that when I am enlisted for National Service, I could be influenced by my roommates, and worse still, living in an all boys only environment, lower my defenses and succumb to temptation. Haix; we guys have one brain, and one penis, but not enough blood to run both! Should that happen, I would require Doreen to be completely steadfast, and reject my "requests" no matter how many times I ask, scold me even, if need be.

Many times I wonder why God has to set such traps for us. Many people call them trials. But the more I ponder, the clearer the mist becomes, though I am afraid it will never completely dissipate. Apparently, when I am reminiscent of my past, I realize that all the time, even though sometimes I fall short of God's desire, He has always been there with me, waiting for me to ask for His help! Ever, he provides an escape route! Only when I solemnly compose myself down, and go to him with total surrender and reveredness, will the problems be solved with the best possible solution, one that no man can think of! This also humbles me, knowing that one cannot achieve much without God! How great is our God, so great and mighty, yet to save a wretch like me! He is most worthy of our praise!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

20th May 2007

I thank God tomorrow's e-learning week at SP! That means I won't have to go to report to school! I get to stay at home to rest. But the downside is that I have 7 full scale projects to finish, the easiest of them is a 1000 word essay on something I have no clue about! Which is just as good, for I get a real reason to do online research! Well, I'm am so tired!

Full day at church today, but the sermon's were real good. One would learn to protect themselves from being too obsessed with money! Think about it! If you had a well to do family, as the grand parent, or even great grand parent. Then let's say you suddenly got yourself US$60,000,000! This is a real event that happened, but to a church, when a really rich guy was called home to the LORD and left his property all to the church! The church elders were really stressed, and to make matters worse, even the media and press were sending journalists over to check the situation out. The church had a lot of decisions to make, because many church members were suddenly requesting money from to church to "repair my roof/pay for my son's university/settle my huge credit card debt" etc. As can be easily seen, problems came because the money arrived! Even Christians struggle with matters of life and this "corrupts" a church, but I say that the church was formed to deal with such matters! Just as only the sick require a doctor, only us sinners require Jesus Christ to save us, which is why the church is formed! And, like medicine, requires time and the correct attitudes, as in taking your medicine, not just leaving it on the shelf; thus being, one must attend church, read the bible, and pray! Dear reader, if you ever knew a church, or are in one, and ever think that the church is nothing more than a place where many people as who act kind and sincere, but are as sinister as other people, you may be right! And if you think that your church is becoming worse and not fulfilling to you, you may be correct too. However, it is part of Christian life to struggle with sin, and the way of the world! If God were to suddenly make all people into fully devoted Christians, then wouldn't we be following God not by our own will, because God supposedly forced us into becoming Christians!

Or, if God were to let everyone see clearly through some miracle the wonders of getting to know Christ and accept him as our personal Saviour, then wouldn't we all be zombie like Christians, following God only because the rewards, walking by faith and not by sight!? A fortiori, this would truly be the vanity of vanities, for Christianity would lose its true meaning!
That said, I belief God has miraculous ways of working, which we will not be able to truly grasp. If we could, then God would be no more different than us men. Thus, God is sovereign because of us not being able to fully comprehend him, unbeknownst to many of us! Praise God, for he is truly great!

As Christians, we would always be demanding for a better church. We think that other churches are better, and thus forget that all churches have problems. Just as a foolish man would learn of the flaws of his wife, demand a divorce for a better woman, only to find out later on that that woman has her own flaws also, causing a life of regret and remorse. As for us, if we do lack the strong will to bear with the bad side of our church, moving to another one would do little satisfy us. However, if we have patience, and search for your own calling in your own church, God will definitely touch you! Remember, He put you in that particular church for a reason! Do not dishonor your Father by moving away from it, unless you are very sure God is calling you to!
Back to the sermon; in the end, the pastor of the church made a very wise decision. He gave the money all away; 40 million was distributed to all other churches, 12 million given to the needy around the world, and 4 million into a bank account, the interest of which being US$10,000. This interest would then be given to the needy around the world like the 12 million. Actually, this amount of US$10,000 was also to commemorate the late brother who gave the money to church, because such was his yearly contribution. The remaining 4 million was to be deposited into the church fund, supporting the expansion of the church, but this decision was abolished. Instead, the 4 million was added to the 12 million also, making the total amount 16 million, plus an additional 10 thousand annually. The end result: the church kept not a single cent. This also meant that the expansion of the church was to be funded by the accumulated offerings of the church members.

I really thought this to be a real waste, giving away 60 million just like that! Twas a fortune which I may not be able to see! But inasmuch as I try to think of the logic behind the pastor's actions, the more I realize that the wisdom of man is but folly to God! Because the pastor prayed and seeked God's counsel, he removed all problems concerning money matters. Only because of the money, problems arised and many people threw away God, caring less of growing spiritually but more concerned of looking at how the money will be settled, ever hoping that they would get a share. On the other hand, if they had hitero usurped the money, unending arguments would have arised, and the church would really crumble! The giving of the money not only solved the problem immediately, but also thought the church a valuable lesson! Never let money rule you! And never lust for more than you need! This was a real case where "having more is less, but having less, is more!"

This is but one of the many lessons to learn in life, and many more I will learn through God's Word! And if you a Christian, nay, even if you be an unbeliever yet, may you take home this lesson, of cherishing what you have, and not be unsatisfied with what you have! Truly, what do you have that you did not receive!

19th May 2007

Ouch. Today was a very hard day. Jogging (walking actually) with Doreen early in the morning. Then had to go church to rehearse tomorrow's main service, because I'm the pianist. That was from 10 to 12. Next, I went straight to play badminton with some church friends. We played from 1 to 2. We then had lunch, then I was summoned at 3 to report to church straight away for the training of Sunday school teachers. I was to be the accompanist, and the other teachers were to act as little kids. Extremely exhilarating, seeing the teachers mimic their own students! The session was until 6, after which I was to rehearse for an event on 26th May, Saturday. Once again, I was to be the pianist, as well as one of the actors of a skit. Hopefully, through this event, more people will learn about churches and Christianity. Praise God for His abundant grace and mercy! So, my day ended at 10.30 at church, tucking in to sleep at 11.30. I went home with a fever, headache, sore throat and eyes, and an irritating blocked nose, but feeling more fulfilled, renewed, and with a purpose in life, and a goal to reach for, that being the service of a great God, who has blessed me and redeemed my life too many times for me to count!

(Note: This draft was written on 20th May. Hey! You can't expect me to write this blog midnight! I've got church to attend on Sunday morning! =P)

Friday, May 18, 2007

18th May 2007

Blasted contraptions! And starting a blog was supposed to be a breeze!? Haix...
And they say technology was meant to benefit history, but here I am getting hooked unto the blogging world.

Life in SP is very interesting! But next week is e-learning week... Everyone learning at home... Sounds great! If only there wasn't that many assignments. Full scale projects, one for each module, seven in all! That's Diploma in Music and Audio Technology for you. But maybe it ain't that bad... I believe there are people out there who must do worse... So let us count our blessings.

And my gf, Doreen, was acting whether strange today... Actually she has become rather horny of late... Ya, I remember when I was in sec 2. The same time, when after exams, schools teaching sexuality education. Puberty stage, hormones all acting up. Had to tell her my stand of me being steadfast against premarital sex and all. It's great to know she shares my stand. I thank God for that! Otherwise, let her have fun growing up. We still have a long way to go, whether it be a walk of faith together or alone... But I prefer it together! =P